15. Rossway

A Strathspey for 3 couples in a 3 couple set


1-8    1st, 2nd & 3rd couples hands joined on

          the sides, set, cross giving right hands,

          set on the opposite side & circle left

          half-way round.

9-16   1st & 2nd couples hands joined on the sides,

          set, right hands across, 1st couple dance up

          one place and stay facing out while 2nd

          couple cast off to 3rd place.

17-22  Reels of 3 on the sides, 1st couple dancing

           out and up, 2nd couple in and up, 3rd couple

           in and down.

23-24  1st & 3rd women pass left shoulders, 1st &

           3rd men pass right shoulders to
change places while 2nd couple
stand still.

25-32   3 couple knot.

            Begin with a new top couple.

Music:   Mrs Davidson of Cantray (Trad) 

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